Let's amplify your brand's ultimatum

Business Intelligence Tool

This is an initiative from IMDA known as BETTER DATA-DRIVEN BUSINESS (BDDB) to raise level of data maturity among SMEs.

We are an award-winning digital
agency and a PSG Pre-Approved
Vendor in Singapore; our strategy-first
approach gives better results for
brands to thrive online!

Business Intelligence (BI) Tool is made available to SMEs to put the data collected to better use.

Collected data can be easily found within our existing systems like eCommerce, Inventory Software and others. With BI Tool, SMEs can make more informed decisions on the Product Sales, Retaining Engaged Customers, Lowering Inventory Costs and more.

How SME Benefit

5 Common Business Objectives* With
Dashboards To Get Insights And
Suggestions On Next Actionable Steps

*You may have more than ONE of the mentioned where applicable.

Grow Product Sales

Acquire New Customers

Retain & Engage Customers

Improve HR Planning

Lower Inventory Costs

Desktop-Based Business Intelligence (BI) Tool

Increase Top Line Improve Bottom Line

Happy Customers/ Employees


Login via admin into system and Go to export orders, Select Date range and and fields, click export and export file.


Select Date range
and fields


Click export and
export file.


Load data  in to template &
generate charts  automatically !!

Get Your Free Quote Today!